Saturday, November 7, 2009

My unforgettable holiday

Germany is a beautiful country teeming with a rich history and an even richer culture. Its landscape is filled with a variety of different atmospheres-- it has the charms of sophisticated big cities, the picturesque visage of small towns, the fascinating qualities of pagan-inspired harvest festivals, a vast array of truly interesting art, history and culture, the wild allure of huge tracts of forests, old and elegant castles, and of course, the German food culture of ever-flowing wine and beer.
Located in the very heart of Europe, Germany is known all over the world as its history is deeply ingrained in several nations world wide, not just in modern times (such as the world wars) but on continental history as well. Its wide berth of historical events include the great Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire, the Otto von Bismarck's German Reich, Nazism, the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall, has shaped Europe in a way no other nation has done-- whether for better or worse.

Well I had the chance to visited few cities from this wonderful country, and I just love fall in love with those places, Avant-garde, innovative, experimental. Those are just some of the words that come to mind when the city of Berlin in Germany is mentioned....Berlin is the capital state of Germany, not to mention the largest city in terms of land area and population in the entire nation.The City of Munich in Bavaria, has a reputation for being a really expensive place to live in. Regardless of this fact though, millions of people cannot refuse the charms of Munich, with its intricate architecture, rich culture, fabulous shopping, delectable cuisine and the pervading sense of history emanating from its modern metropolis. And here is Cologne!! There are so many things in Cologne, to see and experience, so many things that it had integrated into itself since its establishment in 38 B.C. For example, the famous Cologne Cathedral, the seat of the Roman-Catholic Archbishop of Cologne and probably the largest German cathedral, stands majestically proud in this city. you'll be able to see some exquisite works of art in the Cathedral, the notable of which would be the Shrine of the Three Kings. Woww Frankfurt am Main to the natives, is considered one of the two largest financial centers in continental Europe, and is the financial and transportation center of all of Germany. In terms of size, it is the fifth largest city in Germany, and the largest one in the German state of Hesse. It is situated by the main River, and it is the place of residence of the European Central Bank, the German Federal Bank, the Frankfurt Trade Fair and Stock Exchange, the Frankfurt International Airport, and the Central station, the last two being one of the largest and busiest transportation terminals in the Europe "very impressive". And last but not the last!! Dusseldorf The city is famous for its shopping districts, architectural styles, art galleries, and museums. Situated on the east side of the Rhine River, This city is favored with a gentle climate: mild winters and moderately warm summers.
Awesome places and I'm sure there are more to discover, uhmmm I would like to go on a fascinating and unforgettable Germany river cruise have the chance of see stunning mountain vistas and historically significant sites.The river cruises can take you to visit the Imperial Castle and Justice Palace in Nuremberg on the winding Danube, to Germany's oldest city, Trier, beside the Mosel or to enjoy a taste of smokebeer in Bamberg along the Rhine. Yes , probably I'll do that for my next vacation to Germany, Who knows!!! Let see where I will go on my next trip.